Hey there! We are What the First Time Mom.
We were the first time moms who read/researched/listened to/bought everything we could find to make sure were seriously prepared for being a mom. Winging it was not in the plan.
But then, our babies came and all we could think was WTF? Huh!? What!? Is this real life? Why did I spend two weeks test driving strollers rather than learning about sleep and hunger cues or talking to my partner about how we were going to divvy up responsibilities?
While we don't think it's really possible to REALLY GET IT until you're in the thick of it (cue baby crying on the bathroom floor in a Dockatot while you try to take your first shower in three days)...WTFTM's goal is to keep you a step ahead of the inevitable WTF moments you’ll encounter as an FTM.
L's Mom
Most memorable WTF moment:
Morning Sickness is THIS?!...Let's just say I was the person who tried E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G. not to V.O.M.I.T. during the first tri. Preggy pops, prenatal vitamin roulette, eating more...eating less, ginger, crackers, bananas, peppermint, Seabands, you get the idea...
C's Mom
Most memorable WTF moment:
Sleep regression is THIS?! I thought we sailed through the 4-month sleep regression unscathed. Nope, C waited until 5 months and started waking up crying 10 times a night. After 3 horrendous nights and lots of desperate Googling (e.g. "cost of a night nurse for baby"), we took the Taking Cara Babies course, which saved our lives/marriage/etc.etc.etc.