Now that your hospital bag is packed with cute little onesies and the biggest postpartum underwear you could find, it's time to start a folder with the important documents to bring with you to the hospital on labor day.

Prepare Ahead of Time:
Health Insurance Card: If you don't have a physical copy, check your provider's website to request one, or print/take a screenshot of the digital card.
Pediatrician: Name, Phone number, and the name of the office
Medications: Make a list the over the counter and prescription medications you're taking.
Birth Plan: If you have one, print more than one copy so that you can give one to your doctor, nurses and your support person.
Hospital Admissions Paperwork: Keep in mind some hospitals require that it be submitted a couple weeks prior to you due date.
Social Security Number: Memorize it now, if you haven't already, and ask your partner to do the same!
Marriage Certificate: If applicable, it doesn't hurt to throw a copy of your marriage certificate in your folder, especially if your last name is different than your partner's.
Prenatal Medical Records: If your pregnancy has had any complications or if you live far from the hospital, it is a good idea to include these in your folder.
Cord Blood Paperwork/Kit: If you're planning to donate or bank baby's cord blood.
Paper and Pen: Bring a few loose pieces of paper or a notebook and a pen to take your own notes.
Day Of:
Identification: Driver's License, Passport, or other government-provided form of identification
Partner's Identification: Driver's License, Passport, or other government-provided form of identification
Health Insurance Card: Physical or digital copy