What a year to have a baby! All of our hopes of having friends and family at the hospital to welcome our little ones as well as our dreams of leisurely strolls through Target during maternity leave were crushed in what felt like an instant. But, if anyone can make lemonade out of lemons, it's us 2020 first time moms. We put together this list of ideas to help celebrate our baby's first holiday season and to help bring our families together, even when we may be physically apart this year.
We've marked gifts as under $15 with ** , under $25 with *, and noted (splurge) for $50+ items. This post contains affiliate links which means that if you make a purchase, we may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you.
Baby's First Christmas
Shop Our Favorites: 1. GUND Reindeer Lovey** / 2. Lenox Ornament* / 3. Santa Claus Outfit* /
4. 1st Christmas Frame** / 5. First Christmas Ornament* / 6. Personalized Book
Baby's First Hanukkah
Shop Our Favorites: 1. First Hanukkah Book* / 2. First Hanukkah Plush Toys* / 3. Hanukkah Footed PJs** / 4. Elmo's Little Dreidel Book
Baby's First Kwanzaa
Shop Our Favorites: 1. My First Kwanzaa Book** / 2. Kwanzaa Candle Onesie** / 3. Kente Print Carseat/Nursing Cover*
Baby's First Diwali
Shop Our Favorites: 1. First Diwali Book** / 2. First Diwali Onesie* / 3. Ganesha's Sweet Tooth Book*
Celebrating the 2020 Holidays Together, Apart
Shop Our Favorites: 1. Family Photo Album* / 2. Letters to My Grandchild** /
3. Grandma Snuggles Book** / 4. Echo Show Premium (splurge) / 5. iPad (splurge) / 6. iPad Stand